Liv­ing on Mieren­dorff Is­land
Apart­ments in Nord­hauser Straße 1 / Goslar­er Platz 5


Nord­hauser Straße 1 /
Goslar­er Platz 5
Old build­ing
Ask­ing price
as of €3,263.00* / m²
*plus a com­mis­sion of 3.57 % of the ask­ing price in­clud­ing VAT
30 res­i­den­tial units, 2 com­mer­cial units
Liv­ing area
63 m² – 139 m²
30 Wohnein­heit­en,
2 Gewer­beein­heit­en
Old build­ing
Ask­ing price
as of €3,263.00* / m²
*plus a com­mis­sion of 3.57 % of the ask­ing price in­clud­ing VAT
30 Wohnein­heit­en,
2 Gewer­beein­heit­en
Liv­ing area
63 m² – 139 m²
More in­for­ma­tion and an overview of the units can be found in the syn­op­sis.


A house on an is­land, in a live­ly quar­ter, lo­cat­ed right next to a green park – STADT­LAND­FLUSS match­es this de­scrip­tion per­fect­ly. Right in front of it is the pret­ty Goslar­er Platz de­vel­oped in the 1920s and 1930s. If you want to have some down­time in a green area, you don’t have to look for long. The large lawn or the area be­low the chest­nut trees are won­der­ful spots for some re­lax­ation.

Mieren­dorff Is­land in the dis­trict of Char­lot­ten­burg
Nord­hauser Straße 1 / Goslar­er Platz 5
10589 Berlin

Now, that was the park. But what about the is­land?

STADT­LAND­FLUSS is sit­u­at­ed in one of the most charm­ing ar­eas of Char­lot­ten­burg, Mieren­dorff Is­land. It is en­closed by the Spree, the con­nect­ing chan­nel and the West Har­bour chan­nel. The is­land used to be called Kalowswerder. At the end of the 19th cen­tu­ry, it be­came the cen­tral lo­ca­tion of the Char­lot­ten­burg pow­er sup­ply.

To­day, its charm is due to its very own small-town flair and large di­ver­si­ty. In ad­di­tion to state­ly bour­geois ar­eas, it al­so has for­mer in­dus­tri­al ar­eas with a large de­vel­op­men­tal po­ten­tial. The best way to ex­pe­ri­ence the par­tic­u­lar at­mos­phere is by tak­ing a walk along the five kilo­me­tres of looped track around the is­land. If you get hun­gry tak­ing a walk along the wa­ter, you will be sure to find some­thing to your taste on the is­land. The culi­nary of­fers are man­i­fold and cov­er every­thing from A like alpine and B like burg­er over E like Ethiopi­an to V like ve­g­an.

En­thu­si­as­tic is­land res­i­dents swear that they can find any­thing they need to live their life on Mieren­dorff Is­land. If you still want to ex­pe­ri­ence the hus­tle and bus­tle of the big city, you on­ly have to cross one of the bridges and will quick­ly reach your des­ti­na­tion, not least due to the island’s prox­im­i­ty to sev­er­al S‑Bahn and U‑Bahn sta­tions.

The lo­ca­tion

Nord­hauser Straße 1 / Goslar­er Platz 5
10589 Berlin
Pub­lic trans­port
Bus stop Goslar­er Platz
Bus stop Ilsen­burg­er Str.
U‑Bahn sta­tion Mieren­dorff­platz
U7, M27, N7
Bus stop Quedlin­burg­er Str.
N7, X9


Wil­helmin­ian style build­ing with charm and a view in­to na­ture

STADT­LAND­FLUSS is a mul­ti-storey dwelling built in 1900 in the North of Char­lot­ten­burg. It has 30 res­i­den­tial units and two com­mer­cial units.

The apart­ments are spread over five storeys and the ful­ly de­vel­oped at­tic. They are true old dwelling clas­sics with a stun­ning floor plan and are very well-main­tained. The floors are most­ly re­fur­bished old-dwelling floor­boards or her­ring­bone par­quet floor­ing.

The win­dows look­ing on­to the road are ex­clu­sive­ly dou­ble box win­dows or U‑PVC win­dows (Iso) in the at­tic. Al­most all of the apart­ments have a bal­cony. The res­i­dents on the Goslar­er Platz side can use an el­e­va­tor.

Over the last few years, a se­ries of apart­ments was up­dat­ed. Among oth­ers, those mea­sures in­clud­ed re­fur­bish­ing of the bath­rooms. If nec­es­sary, the elec­tri­cal sys­tem was re­newed, and the walls were new­ly primed and sand­ed. Fi­nal­ly, a re­volv­ing re­con­di­tion­ing of the façade in the ground floor area of the court­yard was per­formed.

All units are sup­plied by eco-friend­ly dis­trict heat­ing. Ad­di­tion­al con­tin­u­ous-flow wa­ter heaters are in­stalled in the house for the warm wa­ter sup­ply.

Con­tact form